What is FTP File Transfer Protocol

Introduction to FTP File Transfer Protocol

FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and a server on a computer network. It was developed in the early 1970s and has since become one of the most widely used protocols for file transfers on the internet. FTP operates on the client-server model, where a client initiates a connection to a server to perform file transfer operations.

To understand FTP in-depth, we'll explore its history, working principles, modes of operation, security considerations, and its relevance in modern computing environments. This comprehensive explanation will cover approximately 2000 words:

History of FTP

FTP was first introduced as part of the early efforts to create a standard method for transferring files between computers on the ARPANET, the precursor to today's internet. It was initially defined in RFC 114 (Request for Comments) by Abhay Bhushan in April 1971. Subsequent RFCs, including RFC 354 (October 1972) and RFC 454 (May 1973), further refined the FTP protocol.

Basic Concepts of FTP

FTP is based on a client-server architecture, where the client is the software that initiates the file transfer, and the server is the software that responds to these requests. The client-server model allows FTP to be platform-independent, as long as the client and server implementations adhere to the FTP protocol specifications.

FTP Operation

FTP operates on two separate channels: the command channel and the data channel. The command channel is used for sending control commands, such as requesting files or directories, while the data channel is used to transfer the actual data files. This separation of control and data allows FTP to use different methods for data transmission, such as active and passive modes.

FTP Active Mode

In active mode, the client opens a random high-numbered port (known as the client-side port) and informs the server about it through the command channel. The server then initiates a connection back to the client on that port to establish the data channel for file transfer. While active mode is straightforward for clients behind a firewall or NAT, it can cause issues when the client itself is behind a firewall.

FTP Passive Mode

To overcome the limitations of active mode, passive mode was introduced. In passive mode, the client initiates both the control and data connections. The client requests a passive data port from the server, and the server responds with a port number for the data channel. The data transfer then occurs between the client and server on this specified passive port.

FTP Commands:

FTP uses a set of standardized commands to interact with the server. Some common FTP commands include:

  • USER: To specify the username for authentication
  • PASS: To specify the password for authentication
  • LIST: To list files and directories on the server
  • RETR: To retrieve (download) a file from the server
  • STOR: To store (upload) a file to the server
  • DELE: To delete a file on the server
  • CWD: To change the working directory on the server

FTP Security

FTP, by itself, is not a secure protocol, as all data and credentials are transmitted in clear text, making it susceptible to eavesdropping and unauthorized access. For secure file transfers, several extensions and variations of FTP have been developed, including FTPS (FTP Secure) and SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).


FTPS is an extension of FTP that adds support for TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. It can operate in either explicit or implicit mode. In explicit mode, the client explicitly requests a secure connection using the "AUTH" command, while in implicit mode, the secure connection is established immediately upon connecting to the server on a designated port (usually port 990).


SFTP, despite its name, is not related to FTP but is a completely different protocol based on the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol. It provides secure file transfer over an encrypted SSH connection and is often preferred for secure file transfers due to its simplicity and robust security features.

FTP in Modern Computing

Although FTP remains in use, it has faced competition from other file transfer methods and protocols. Many web browsers now support FTP, allowing users to connect to FTP servers and download files through a user-friendly interface. Additionally, various dedicated FTP client software exists, offering advanced features for managing FTP connections and transfers.

Alternative File Transfer Methods

Over time, several alternative file transfer methods have emerged, such as HTTP-based file transfers and cloud-based file storage services. HTTP-based file transfers, facilitated through web browsers, are often used for downloading files from websites. Cloud storage services, like Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive, provide user-friendly interfaces and synchronization across multiple devices.


FTP, File Transfer Protocol, has a long history and remains an essential tool for transferring files between computers and servers. While it lacks inherent security, various secure extensions like FTPS and SFTP have been developed to address these concerns. However, due to advancements in web technologies and the rise of cloud-based storage services, FTP is facing competition from alternative file transfer methods. Nevertheless, FTP still holds its place as a reliable and widely used protocol for various file transfer scenarios.